Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Winning Souls

 Proverb 11:30
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

The soul of man is trapped and is held by Satan. From the fall of Adam and Eve, the soul of man has been made captive to sin and darkness. A child, as innocent as it may be, was born with the nature of sin in his heart. The battle to “win” back God’s creation has been fought from the beginning of time. It is the desire of God that souls be brought back into fellowship with Him. Winning souls is to convert others from their sinful ways and win them over to Christ. To win is to teach and persuade others of the claims of Christ in their heart.  Teaching them that the source of life is found in the tree of life. Righteousness and right living is to confess our sins, trust in the blood of Christ to cleanse our heart from sin, and live righteously before Him. As Christians, we are to be ambassadors for Christ, doing what we can to convert others to follow Christ. Our first responsibility to win others to Christ is to live a life that reflects the image of Christ. Our words and teaching are discarded when our lives are not consistent with the teaching. It is through the teaching of the word in harmony with our lives that others can be won to Christ. It is possible to win others to Christ without walking them through the "Roman road to salvation." Our life should be a living Bible, seen and read by all men, but there is power in the spoken word. “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Roman 10:10. Let our fruit be that of righteousness and our lives win others to Christ.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Love of God

 John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The old familiar Bible verse rings loud and clear during the Christmas season. Truly, this is the center of the Christmas story. God sent His Son to earth in the form of a baby. Wise men from the East saw the star and came to worship Him. The Shepherd gathered in the field and heard the angel proclaim His coming. Mary pondered in her heart the miracle of the newborn baby. The demonstration of God's love was manifested to the world when He gave Himself to die for the sins of the world. The song says it so well, “The love of God is far greater than tongue or pen can ever tell; it goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell. The wand'ring child is reconciled by God's beloved Son.”- Frederick M. Lehman. Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, God’s love poured down from heaven above. His love reaches you and me desiring fellowship, a relationship that will be everlasting. Jesus grew to adulthood, showed us how we were to love one another. His love allowed the Roman soldiers to pierce the nails in His hand. His love took on the sins of the world. “He paid the debt He did not owe, I owe a debt I could not pay.” The Christmas story, the greatest love story ever told! Oh, The love of God, how rich and pure! How measureless and strong!

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Cast Down in Our Soul

 Psalm 42:5&11
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.
There are days when it seems that everything has gone wrong. Discouragement settles in, and we may even have a pity party. It does appear that the Psalmist is feeling sorry for himself and wonders why God appears to be far away. Human emotions are subject to feelings of abandonment and loss. We all, no doubt, have been where David has been. His life was being threatened, and he was on the run. Saul was in pursuit, his best friend Jonathan was doing what he could, but he was also at the mercy of his father. During this time in David’s life, he was seeking the presence of God. His desire was to dwell in His temple and feel His presence. On purpose, David chose to praise and worship God even when he did not feel like it. His hope was grounded in knowing that God was in control. Praising God is the best way to lift yourself out of discouragement or when depression starts to settle in. When our prayers hit the ceiling and seem to go nowhere, we can praise our way through to God. He delights in the praise of his people. Our hope in God is found when we look to Him, even when we are cast down and everything looks hopeless. Tears of sorrow can be turned into smiles of delight when we choose to praise Him, regardless of our circumstances.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Christian Moderation

 Phil 4:5 
Let your moderation be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.

The modern definition of moderation is to do all things in balance. Within reasonable limits, not to excess. The Greek meaning of the word refers to restraint on the passions, general soberness of living, being free from all excesses. The word also implies that a lifestyle that others who are watching would see Christ. They were to govern their appetites, control their behavior, and to be examples of what was proper living for those who were expecting the Lord to return soon. The exhortation to live in moderation is made possible with the help of the Holy Spirit. A life of moderation is to live in harmony with the fruit of the Spirit. There are those who live with strict adherence to the letter of the law, and their passion to keep the law comes across as harsh and intolerant. Living in moderation does not mean that one compromises their Biblical belief to keep the Lord’s commandment, but understands that the spirit of gentleness and kindness overrules the letter of the law to execute judgment. We who seek to live a balanced Christian life, must understand that love does not condone sin, but love will treat the sinner with kindness and gentleness, showing our moderation to all men.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Exceeding Great Joy

 Luke 2:10, Mat 2:10
The angel brought “good tidings of great joy” to the shepherds… The wise men, when they saw the star, “rejoiced with exceeding great joy”

The shepherd’s eyes were amazed as they heard the good news! The Messiah was born, the Savior who will change the world had condensed into the human race. Like  the wise men, they probably rejoiced with exceeding great joy. Their joy exceeded the merriment of being happy. Joy filled their hearts to overflowing. They saw the significance of this historical event. 
Greeting others with, “Merry Christmas” is to wish people a happy holiday season as they gather together with friends and family. Smiles are seen on parents and grandparent’s faces as they watch the children unwrap their gifts, excitement in the air as the child opens the present they have been wanting for days. No doubt, happiness fills the home. The songwriter penned it well:
 “It's the most wonderful time of the year. 
With the kids jingle belling. 
And everyone tells you to be of good cheer.”
But to the believer, Christmas is more than being merry with our loved ones, it is a time of great joy! A celebration and remembering the joy of salvation that Jesus came to save people from their sins. Exceeding great joy transcends human emotion. It is an eternal joy that is sealed in the heart that all is well with our soul. Jesus came to earth that we might have joy and have it more abundantly.  Circumstances in life may not always be filled with happy emotions and merriment, but it can be filled with great joy that we are a child of the king, and he knows us by name. As welook at the star that hangs in the church or in your home, may we also rejoice with exceeding great joy, knowing that Jesus came and died for us. In Him, we have real joy. Joy unspeakable and full of glory!

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Evil Turned to Good

 Gen. 50:20
“..You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good..”

Turning something bad into good. That is what God is able to do. We look at circumstances in our lives and will often ask, why? What good will come from this? A life surrendered to God does not have to ever say, “If only.” The things that happen in our lives are for a purpose, and we just have to wait to see what God is going to do. Even if we miss the mark, and fail to do what is right, God can take our failures and do something good. This is not a reason not to walk and live carefully before God, but a reminder that God will not leave us hanging. The laws of sowing and reaping are not discarded, sin has its consequences, but we serve a merciful God who will show Himself to be full of grace. But, we can live like Joseph, and believe that God has a reason for the things that happen in our lives. At the moment, we probably will not see it. Joseph, sitting in the prison cell, no doubt, had his days when he wondered why his life was going to waste. His life was a sample of righteous living. He was a victim of other people's bad decisions. We don’t see God’s main plan. God is in control of the endgame. He makes the last move and knows how the story will end. We are clay in the master’s hand. He is shaping and molding us into the vessel that can be used for His glory. God used Joseph to save his family and the nation. God took the evil deeds of his brothers and turned them into a blessing for good. When bad things happen to God’s people, let us trust God to use them for good. 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Peace on Earth

 Luke 2:14, Col 3:15
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men….And let the peace of God rule in your hearts.
The desire for most people is to have peace, freedom from disturbance, absence of conflict, war to be eliminated, and tranquility of mind and heart. Sin in the hearts of humanity is the root that makes lasting peace unattainable. The carnal nature born in man is at war with the nature of God, who is our Peace. Christ came to bring peace to mankind, peace that passes all understanding. But as long as sin remains, war will continue to be part of life. Jesus said that nations will war against nations, and His sword will bring division because sin is at enmity with God. The proclamation made by the angels on the day Christ was born, that this Christ would bring peace on earth. Peace is made available to every man, woman, boy and girl on earth. Through Christ, we can have peace in our heart. The war with sin is over, the blood of Jesus has made the heart clean, and He can rule in our hearts. We now have victory or sin and our way is now God’s way , we have surrendered everything over to God. Our plans, ambition, and desires are now His to rule. The Peace of God brings tranquility when everything else is chaotic. The world around us is looking for world peace, but real peace only comes when Christ is born in your heart, and He controls our destiny and journey in life. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Be Strong and Courageous

 Take 2 on being Strong (30423)
Joshua 1:9
Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

In the face of difficult life’s problems, it is not easy to be strong. Being strong is made possible when we realize our weakness, and inability to do it on our own. The mere determination of our will only take us so far. Paul writes, “And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” Joshua was stepping into some big shoes. Moses, the mouthpiece of God, brought the Israelite out of Egypt by putting his trust in the Almighty to deliver. Now Joshua was being asked to take Israelites into the promised land. As we walk with God, He brings things into our lives that appear insurmountable. The stress and expectation of our jobs, the responsibilities of caring for those God has entrusted us with, The mental stress of new challenges, and the many other countless problems we face day to day. It’s ok to confess weakness and realize that we are only human and we need God to be with us and give us the help and strength to be strong when our human strength has been depleted. We all are on a journey following where God leads us. He will not leave or forsake us. He is our stronghold, and in Him we can be strong and courageous.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Advent:Our Hope

 1 Thess 2:19
For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?

As we approach the 1st Advent  of Christmas, we take time to prepare our hearts with the expectation of hope that Christ brings to the world. For many, Christmas is a time that families gather together, exchange gifts, partake together with food and pleasant conversation. This may not be the case in every home, but as a general consensus this is the picture we conjure. A time of goodwill and promoting peace on earth. Unfortunately, in the homes of many families, this is all it means. There may be a word or two about the celebration of the birth of Jesus giving lip service to His coming. To the true believer, the coming of Jesus is the hope that fills the heart. It is a hope that allows us to live each day knowing that He came not only to bring peace to earth, but to bring peace to the heart. We hope not as making a wish, but our hope is built on nothing less that Jesus Christ our redeemer, a hope and faith that He will someday return. As in His first coming, our hope is not in vain. His promises are true, Hope will someday burst the eastern sky, and He shall appear, and we who are in Christ will be caught up together in the air and be with Him forevermore. For this is our hope, joy, and crown of rejoicing as we enter this Christmas season.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Doing the Work of God

 Numbers 3:8
They are to take care of all the furnishings of the tent of meeting, fulfilling the obligations of the Israelites by doing the work of the tabernacle.

All work done to build the kingdom of God is with purpose and is not done in vain. We are all workers together to see the work of God’s tabernacle (His church) be a lighthouse to point others to Jesus. All who are in Christ make up this holy tabernacle, the church of the living God. The church is fitly put together, each of us having a task to do. Paul writes about the importance of each task. “If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?” You may feel insignificant, and the work you do is not important, but all things done for Christ are noticed by God. “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”(1 Corinth 10:31). What God wants are people who are willing to do the task given to them with thanksgiving. Human nature desires approbation and appreciation for work that is accomplished, but what is important is that we receive the approbation of God, His approval with our life and the work we do for Him. Others may never call your name, or print out your charitable work in the church newsletter, but God sees what you do, and in eternity, that is all that matters. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Without Murmuring

 Philip 2:14, Col 3:15
Do all things without murmurings and disputings:..And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

Murmuring is a subdue or private expression of discontent or dissatisfaction. Complaining is also an expression of dissatisfaction, but is expressed more openly. Whether we find ourselves murmuring or complaining it is an indication that we are not content with the situation or how God is working on our behalf. Granted, there are levels of expression that don’t necessarily reflect on our trust in God. I often wake up in the morning with a headache, and complain about the pain. The weather is often a point of contention with many people. Many complain about being too cold, or too hot. Such expressions are acceptable unless they become excessive. Moving from the milk of the word to the meat of the word is learning how to shine for Christ. Learning to be thankful in all things and do all things without murmuring is to rethink and evaluate God’s purpose in our lives. We are the light of the world, a reflection of Jesus. How we react to negative and undesirable situations will cast a shadow on our witness for Christ. Paul goes on to say why it is important, “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.” (vs15). Let God’s peace rule in your heart. He alone can calm the storms of life and give peace. Next time we are tempted to murmur or complain, ask God to give you peace, submitting to His perfect will for your life.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A Merry Heart

 Proverbs 11:22
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

God created us with a body, mind, and spirit. But most important is that we have the breath of God in us,  God gave us a soul that will live on forever. Without going into a deep dive, suffice to say that our soul is a separate entity from what is visually observed through human observation. Jesus makes this distinction when He said, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.” The condition of our soul should always be top priority. This is not to say that we should not care for the well being of our body, mind, and heart (emotions). We are the temple of God, earthen vessels that God desires to fill and use for His glory. In our humanity, we represent Christ in every aspect of our lives. How we treat our body, the thoughts we think, and how we express our emotions (spirit). Our attitude in life is a manifestation of our spirit. We do live in troubled days, and having a cheerful and merry heart is made difficult with the sadness that surrounds us. Having a merry heart comes with believing God is the source of our contentment, He alone can bring true joy to the heart.  With purpose, we rejoice in the Lord, we find that God is good, and can make the heart glad. “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it”- Psalm 118:24

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Through the Fire

 Psalm 66:12
…We went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.

The verse brings to my mind the great hymn of the church, God Leads Us Along, “Some through the waters, some through the flood, some through the fire, but all through the blood; some through great sorrow, but God gives a song, in the night season and all the day long.” The fire purges, and the water cleanses. Everything in life happens for a purpose. God’s intention is to bring us through. Things in life happen and we may be tempted to give up and quit trying. Even when we stand for what is right, the devil has a way to twist things and have us question if we have done the right thing. The fire is sometimes intense and we are tried and proven.  We don’t necessarily praise God for the trials and tough times, but we can praise Him in spite of the difficulties of the circumstance. Going through the fire looks different for everyone. Whatever the fire is, God is not tempting us so that He may see us fail, but He desires that we put our trust in Him, and be willing to give thanks in everything.(1 Thess 5:18) Through the fire, you will prove your character by praising Him.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Choose the Good Part

 Luke 10:41,42
 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things...But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

Much has been said and written about these two ladies. Martha cared about making sure everything was in place and ready when guests arrived. Mary didn’t stress out about being ready, she wanted to spend time with Jesus. It is hard to fault Martha. It could be said that she was showing her love for Jesus by doing acts of kindness. Martha was upset with Mary for not helping out and leaving all the work to her. There are many lessons here that can be made, but Jesus had something to say to Martha that we also can take notice. Life and doing good can cause us to stress out, especially if we are not getting any help, but Jesus desires that we take time out of our busy day to sit at His feet and spend time alone with Him. Tomorrow will take care of itself, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and let God fill us with His love and presence. He also desires that we serve and do good to others, but we best not neglect what is most important. Take time to be with Jesus. Choose the good part. Everything else can wait.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Written in Our Hearts

 Jer. 31:33
, ..I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

The new covenant of grace is given to the Jews here. There will come a day that God’s word will dwell in our hearts. The Word will be in us and work through us. The law will no longer be a taskmaster that drives us to do what is right, but His word would be a natural flow that springs from our heart. A new day was promised to the Jews. There will come a day where everyone will be accountable for their own actions. For the law of sowing and reaping will not be applied to the seed of those who come after. No doubt, choices people make may have a far reaching influence on generations to come, but God’s judgment now falls on he who sows. The coming of Christ and the promise of the Father to send the Holy Spirit, fulfilled the law of the Old Testament. An “eye for an eye”, change to “Turn to the other cheek.” God’s word has become a love letter to those that read it. We follow his word and commandments because we love Him and desire to please Him. The Old covenant is not entirely eliminated, but it does reveal to us that God is good and faithful, and His word can now live in our hearts.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Enter the Door

 John 10:9
I am the door: by me if any man enters, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

There are many who will claim that there is more than one way to have eternal life, to have life more abundantly. Religions throughout history have pointed people to a way of life that will bring peace and life. Jesus says that all these religions are false, and are like thieves and robbers, deceiving people to follow them. To the Pharisees, He tells them that He alone is the true way to God. Following all of their forms and rituals will not bring fullness of life. Christ is the only gate (door) that a sheep can use to find pasture to feed and live life to the full. Those who listen to His voice and respond to His calling will be saved. There are many voices out in the world that call, and Satan will do all he can to lead the sheep to follow him, but those that heed God’s word, listen to what God has to say and follow it, will find that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and Life. Don’t be fooled by those who say there is more than one way. They have been deceived and the devil uses them to destroy life. They are out to steal and rob your soul. Follow the voice of Jesus, heed His calling and enter the door that leads to green pasture.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Horrible Pit

 Psalm 40:2
He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.

The horrible pits of life are often of our own doing. We make decisions without seeking God first and often find ourselves in a pit of despair. But everyone before coming to Christ finds themselves in the horrible pit of sin, trapped in the miry clay and unable to get out. But Jesus reaches down, takes hold of our hand and pulls us up and out of the pit. He alone has the power to bring us out. He not only brings us out, but He also will help us from falling back into the pit. He wants to establish us on the solid Rock and give us the power to walk and follow Him. He does not want us to live in the pit of sin, He desires that we live blameless and holy. The devil will set traps along the way, and sometimes he is successful, but even if we are snared by one of his traps, the hand of Jesus still reaches down to lift us up and out. Life is full of different kinds of pits, but no matter the kind of pit we are in, He will not leave us there, He will bring us out, and set us on the solid Rock and establish us in the way He wants us to go.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Worshipping Idols.

 Acts 17:25
Neither is worshiped with men's hands, as though he needed anything, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.

The hand of God wrote on the tablets of stone. “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down to them.” We still find such images in the world today. Statues and shrines are erected and worshipers gather around them to pray and give oblations. Such religions can also be found in America. I live down the street from a buddhist temple, and they have erected a 25-30 foot goddess statue in the middle of their yard. I am ignorant of the purpose of the statue, but it does appear to be a shrine made to attract followers to come and worship. Christians must be careful when erecting buildings or statues to honor saints. Buildings are erected to provide a place for believers to gather together to worship, and we want to respect the house of God, but scripture clearly states that we should not confine God to a place . “seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands.” (V24) We are the church, and should bring God with us to the house of worship. Many preachers and writers have preached and written on idol worship in our day. One need not make a statue to worship an idol. In a nutshell, anything that comes between you and God is an idol. The list of things are as diverse as there are people. We live by faith alone, and we serve a God who desires all of our hearts. Worshiping Him in holiness requires that we give to God all that we love in this world and place our love and affection to the things above (Col 3:1).

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Rock Higher Than I

 Psalm 61:2
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

A popular church hymn, “The Rock That is Higher than I.” was written in 1871 by Erastus Johnson during a time of financial loss. Many have found financial security in the assets they have accumulated over the years, The want of food, shelter, and comfort is always available, and never denied. Their trust is no longer placed in God to supply their needs, they have put their trust in human strength and determination to achieve wealth and prosperity. There is no doubt that such virtues contribute to worldly success and gain, but history has taught us that God is in control, and He is sovereign, and is ultimately the One who is threading the fabric of life. Erastus Johnson realized this when all was lost, and He turned to the Rock who He knew would not sink. The Rock that was higher than the circumstance and struggles of the day. The world around us can change in a moment's notice, but God does not change, He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. We can put our trust in Him, and stand on the solid rock. We can flee to the Rock that will not be shaken and will not move. When life is overwhelming, we serve a God who knows and understands our hurts and struggles. “To the Rock let me fly, to the Rock that is higher than I!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Heal the BrokenHearted

 Isaiah 61:1
… He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound…

Broken hearts result from individuals that have suffered loss. We all have at one time or another experienced the loss that caused great sorrow. Tears are shed day and night and life comes to a stand still. They say that time will heal a broken heart, and to a degree the ache lessens. All loss is painful, but the loss of a son, daughter, or spouse or close friend never seems to ever go away. The pain is greater when such loss happens before death is taken before old age is reached. If you have had such an experience, I don’t pretend to fully understand your pain and sorrow. But I read of One who can heal the broken heart, that is able to bring comfort during times of sorrow. Jesus came to bind up the brokenhearted, and set you free to live again. Such healing does not mean that you will no longer remember or experience sadness, but He has promised, “to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” (vs3). In our brokenness, all things work together for a purpose and reason. All things work together that He may be glorified. Jesus wants to heal the broken heart and set us free to live again.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Whosoever Shall Be Saved

 Roman 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

What do we need to be saved from? Why do we need to be excused? We, creatures of humanity, born of Adam, inheriting the Adamic nature from the fall of Adam and Eve are a fallen race. Sin abides in our heart and the wages of sin is death. But, Jesus came to save us from death. He took upon Him the sins of the world, died on the cross and paid the debt that we owed. Everyone who will believe, and accept this work of Christ will be saved. Believing and accepting implies that we know that we are sinners and recognize that Jesus alone can forgive our sinful way. We confess with our mouth our depravity, and believe in our heart that Jesus took upon Himself our sins, we can be saved. The core of equity is made clear in scripture. “Whosoever” means every human being born on earth has access to this salvation. God is no respecter of person, regardless of the color of your skin, the identity of your birth, the culture of your land, or the genealogy line you come from, we all have the opportunity to be saved. God so loved the world, that He gave Son that we may be saved. We confess, We believe! We are saved.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Surrender to God

 Jame 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

The word surrender is not found in the Bible, it is a word normally used in battle when someone gives up their right to fight, and they become prisons of their captors. “Surrender to” is defined as a complete abandonment of oneself entirely to someone or something. Both definitions describe the word “Submit.” Much has been said about surrendering our heart, our lives to God. The term, “Sanctify yourself” used in the Bible also has implications of surrendering. To be set apart, to be used by God. We surrender all our hopes, ambitions, dreams, and wishes to God, and allow Him to use us in any way He pleases for His kingdom. We surrender our desires, and offer everything we have to God, “Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God,”(Roman 6:13). When we consecrate ourselves to God, we have surrendered the life we have been living and have dedicated ourselves to serve God in whatever capacity He desires. We give up the old life of sin and present ourselves as a living sacrifice. Some would see this as giving up our freedom to do what we want to do. But the way of the transgressor is hard, and all that live in sin are in bondage to the flesh. As Christians, we are told to submit our lives daily to God, pick up our cross and follow Christ (Luke 9:23). Satan will tempt our flesh (members) to fulfill the lust of the flesh, but as we submit ourselves to God, and resist the temptation of Satan, he will flee. For the heart totally surrendered to Christ is empowered by the Holy Spirit to live unspotted by the world.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Bear Witness to the Light

 John 1:7,8
The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.  He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

As Christian, we are to be Christ-like. It is through the life we live and the example we show others that we let the light of Jesus shine through us. We were once sinners, lost and blinded by sin but now have come to the true Light and Christ is the light that lives in us. We are now to be a reflection of that Light. When people in the world look at our life do they see a Christ-like spirit? Are they able to believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior when they see the way we live? We are not perfect, and Satan will use our humanity to discourage us from letting the light of Christ shine through us. We are to bear witness of Jesus, not to demonstrate how good we are, or brag on our spirituality. The true light that is seen by others is not necessarily in the things we don’t do, but in the things we do. This does not mean that committing sin does not cause others to stumble, but our true witness for Christ will demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit, and bear witness of the true Light. The Pharisees lived life spotless on the outside, but most of them were full of darkness on the inside. They bore witness to legalism and works of self righteousness. Jesus desires that we live godly and righteous that our life may glorify the Father in heaven and bear witness of the Light within us.

Monday, October 16, 2023

What is in Your Hand?

 Ex 4:2
​​And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.

The things that seem to be of no significance are often the tools God uses to get His work done. What kind of “rod” do you hold in your hands can God use? God asked Moses to throw the rod down. Moses obeyed and Moses saw the power of God. This is not the last time God demonstrated His power through the rod that Moses held. Like Moses, we may feel inadequate for the work He calls us to do. We see so many others with innate talent that could do the job so much better. “Who Am I?” Moses is not the only one who has spoken those words. It has been said that God is not asking if you are able, but if you are available. He is asking us to give our best effort. “Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might;”- Ecc 9:10. Do our best, and let God do the rest. We may or probably not be the best qualified person to do what needs to be done, but God is calling us to fill in the gap, make up the hedge and take what is in our hand and use it to the glory of God. Jesus took ordinary men from ordinary occupations, and they did some very extraordinary things. He has put something in everybody's hand, it is time to throw down the rod, and see God at work.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Peace Not of this World

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives to you, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Peace that the world gives is not everlasting. People cry out for world peace, and the end of wars. Even this last week, Israel declared war on Hamas-Palestine after they were attacked. There is no peace in the Middle East. Nations war against nations, and people are oppressed across the world. A time of peace will someday come. The word of God declares that Jesus will return to earth and set up His reign and there will be peace for 1000 years. But until then, there will always be conflict and oppression. Jesus says that the peace of this world is not the peace that He wants to give the world. His peace is like a river that flows from deep within, from the presence of God. The war is over within the heart. We are at peace with God and our soul. His love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is the indwelling presence that brings peace. We can rest in the Almighty, our sins have been forgiven and our hearts are no longer troubled. We don’t have to fear the future and what man can do to us. The song writer wrote, “The world didn’t give it to me and the world can’t take it away .” (Gaithers). How true it is to have this wonderful peace given to us from the Father above.
“Peace, peace, wonderful peace Coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray In fathomless billows of love”- Warren D. Cornell / William G. Cooper

Friday, October 13, 2023

Trust God for Peace of Mind

 Isaiah 26:3
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind stays on you because he trusts in you.

I often wake up in the middle of the night and my mind starts to think of things that are happening in life. I start to become anxious about things I really don’t have any control over. Or, maybe something I said or did that I now have second thoughts about. I tell myself that I can’t change what has happened and need to leave it in God's hands.  Easy to say, but not always easy to do. Having “peace of mind”does not always happen in a moment of time, at least for me it doesn’t. I know that God desires that I give it to Him, and trust Him to work things out. Like forgiveness, trust is a choice that I must make. Life is not perfect and accepting that not everything is going to go like I want it, life happens, but God also happens when I choose to put my trust in Him. I know that I am not alone, we all have our moments of apprehension and worries. For some, it may be the health of a loved one, or a conflict at work, or in the home. There is no end to what may be the problem, but peace is always possible when we focus our minds and hearts on God and trust Him to take control and let God do what is best. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Forgiveness is a Choice

 Col 3:13
bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

Is it possible to forgive, but not forget? When life happens, things sometimes happen to us that cause deep hurt. They are imprinted in our memories and don’t go away. When God forgives our sins, they are cast into the sea as far as the east from the west. (Psalm 103:12). God says, “for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” (Jer.31:34) To forgive means to “send away”. The slate is clean. God's forgetfulness means that He will not bring it again and hold us accountable. When we confess our sins, He forgives our transgressions and wipes them away with His precious blood. The blood now covers sin and shame and we are made clean, whiter than snow. When others do things to us or our loved ones, the temptation is to become resentful and bitter toward those who have caused hurt. Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is a choice. I may never feel like forgiving, but by the grace of God, I choose to forgive. Forgiveness does not take away the hurt and disappointment, but it does bring peace to the heart. We can take it to Jesus, and leave it at the foot of the cross, and give it to Him. Healing is sometimes made easier when apologies are made, but apologies may never happen, and forgiveness may not happen in a moment of time, but God’s love and grace is able to bring healing and forgiveness to a heart that seeks it!

Saturday, September 30, 2023

God in Heaven Above

Joshua 2:11
 our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.

America has become the land of all religions. The freedoms granted to this country has allowed many from other countries to migrate to this great country, but with this migration comes beliefs that proclaim other gods that are contrary to the One true living God. It is true that Christians are intolerant of accepting other religions as acceptable ways to truth. The leader of the Christian faith made it clear that He and He alone is the Truth, the Way, and Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him. Jesus, fully man and God, He is the God of heaven above, and in the earth beneath. “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him”- Col. 1:16. Apologetic books have been written in defense of these claims throughout history. It is good to know how to defend God’s word, but it is more urgent that we share God's grace and power to forgive through Christ. Let people see the power of God in our lives. Others will say. “For the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath. He is a God that gives peace and joy, and everlasting Life.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Forgiveness for All

 John 8:11
Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn you: go, and sin no more.

The power of forgiveness by Jesus is found in the words, “neither do I condemn you.” Who can forgive sin but God. God hates sin and does not tolerate it. The Scribe and Pharisee were not incorrect.  The law was clear what happens to those who violate His commandments. I find it curious that they did not also bring the man who was also found in the very act. God in the OT punishment for adultery was for both the man and the women. It was a serious break of the law to violate one’s marriage vows. The deity of Jesus gave Him the power to overrule the law, for He is the giver of the law. As God in the OT often showed mercy, Jesus who knew the heart of this woman, spoke words of mercy. The laws of our land do not arrest or punish those who commit adultery, but God’s word is not mocked, whatever man sows, that shall he reap. Every man will answer to the deeds done in the flesh when they meet God face to face at the judgment. But as long as we live, there is forgiveness for all who will come to Jesus and ask. He reaches out with tender love and care, and there is no sin that His blood will not cover. It is not God’s plan that man continue in sin, Jesus told the lady to go and sin no more. “He who is born of God will no longer live in sin.” (1 John 5:18). The example of Jesus given to us here, should help us to see that there is hope for all who stubble in sin, and like Christ, we should also show love and compassion.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Ambition to Serve

 Mark 10:44
Whoever would be first among you must be a servant of all.

Ambition is a good trait to have. Setting goals and discipling yourself to work toward those goals. But Jesus warned us about having ambitions that were totally self centered. James and John had ambitions to be seated next to Him when Jesus set up His kingdom. They had ambitions to be in charge, to have power over others. Power is one of the P’s that destroy the soul. Along with pleasures of this world, pride of Life, and prosperity. History tells the story of those who sought power to rule kingdoms and nations. Such ambitions never come to a good end. Being a ruler or leader is not an easy task when it also requires being a servant. You must be able to take charge, have vision, know how to delegate, and be willing to listen to others. A good leader will demonstrate leadership by being an example of what needs to be done. Pauls says, “Follow me, as I follow Christ.” Jesus, the Son of God, lived a life of servanthood, and made the ultimate sacrifice by giving His life that we might be saved. Ambition to be like Jesus, to serve others, and be a servant of all is not done by human efforts. It requires a daily submission to God and His will and purposes. “All of my ambitions, hopes and plans I surrender these into your hands.” from the hymn, Jesus, All for Jesus, should be the prayer of our heart. Let us walk carefully, that we keep our ambitions in the center of God’s will.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Give it your Best

 Col. 3:23
Whatever you do, do it  heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 

We find similar admonition in the book of Ecclesiastes 9:10 from Solomon. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” The daily task of the day may not seem significant in light of a life-span or eternity, but our time on earth is given to us by God, and we are to be stewards of this time. “Whatever” is all inclusive, it means in everything we do we need to give it our best. This is the motto I have used to inspire my students over the years I taught. I did not expect my students to be perfect, or even always get the right answer, but I did expect them to give it their best effort. God has given most of us hands to work, and a job to do. Sometimes others may not appreciate the work we do and the effort we give. It may even go unnoticed by those around us, but the work we do is for the kingdom and for Christ. We may ask, “Why should I care, no one else seems to care.” But God sees our hearts and our desire to serve Him. We all desire the approbation of others and as human beings the need to be appreciated and needed. This is not wrong, but our ultimate motivation is to honor God and to do our best to please Him. Whatever lot God has given you, do it to the best of your ability and do it to glorify the Father in heaven.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

A Living Sacrifice

 Roman 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

A living sacrifice is what God desires of us. Like Isaac who laid on the altar for Abraham ready to be offered up to God, God wants us willingly to give our entire life to Him. As Christian, we have already been forgiven of our sins and have been washed in the blood of Christ. We have already received the newness of life and are new creatures in Christ. The step of giving your body (Your life) a living sacrifice is a full surrender of all your hopes and desires. Our ambitions, goals, and aspirations are laid at the altar. Death to self, the removal of ourselves from the throne of our heart and putting God there. It is no longer our will, but God’s will be done. This is life experience and crossroads that all Christian come to. We don’t slowly present our bodies, but it is an act of the will that we present our life to God to use for His glory. This sacrifice means that we no longer live like the world. Our worldview is now based on God’s word. Our thoughts, way of Life, and behaviors are now conformed to how God wants us to live.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Be Still and Know

 Psalm 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations,  I will be exalted in the earth!”

God is in control! We often find ourselves fretting over many things, and truth be told, many of the things we fret over are created in our imagination. That is not to say that there can be some pretty big things in our lives that can cause us to be concerned about. Human nature is to seek solutions, so we run about looking for ways to solve what unsettles us. The old saying, “The Lord helps them, that helps themselves.” has some merit to it, but there are times and situations where God is the only one that can make it happen, He desires that we stop trying to work it out through human manipulation, and trust Him to do the work. Let God be God, He is the mighty God, the first and the last, and things often happen to give God the opportunity to step in and take control that His name will be glorified and be exalted.  God says, “Be still, and watch me work.” He is able, praise Him, and exalt His Name!      

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Commit Our Way

 Psalm 37:5
Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

When we commit, we give it our all. Keeping commitments takes a willingness to forsake other things that would keep us from fulfilling our responsibility to our commitment. When we commit our way to the Lord, we take our hands off what we want to do and take up God’s way. This is what Jesus meant when He said, “Take up your cross and follow me.” Committing to the way of the cross means that life will not always go the way we like, and that sacrifice will more than likely be required from us. Trusting in the Lord as we commit our ways to him will bring to pass the true desires of our heart. He will act on our behalf to accomplish His will. Our ways are now His ways and where and how He leads us is in His control. Commitment is a decision we make, and daily we must keep this commitment on the altar as a living sacrifice. We are no longer our own, we are bought with a price and we now belong to God and trust Him to lead us all the way, in the pathway He has chosen for us.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Alienated from God, but Reconciled

Col 1:21,22
And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

It is only through the blood of Christ, the blood that was shed on the cross that we can stand before a holy God and be presented unblameable. We are all born in sin and the works of the flesh are seen in our lives at an early age. The tendency is to put self first. Many times the good work we do is done to compensate for the selfish things that we do. Balance out the bad by doing good. The works of the flesh alienate us from God, and we believe that if we do things that are kind and helpful that we can in some way get God’s approval. Works not done by faith or love for God, or anything done without the Holy Spirit is a “work of the flesh.”  The teaching that humanity is basically good, and only needs to be trained and put in the right environment to do what is right is inaccurate. We do see moments during natural disasters of people coming together to help each other. This is a natural desire of survival and a God given desire to reach out to humanity, but such actions do not negate the fact that man is basically self-centered and seeks to please and satisfy himself, disregarding God's desire. Wicked works cause a separation between God and us. Yet now, we are part of the body of Christ and no longer do the works of the flesh. We align ourselves with the works of the Spirit, and manifest the fruits of the Spirit in our lives. This is the natural desire for the person who is sanctified and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live unblamable in this present world.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Not By Our Works

 Titus 3:4,5
But after that the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared,  Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.

It is a marvel to think that a holy God would consider dwelling with sinful humanity is beyond my comprehension. Man is inherently influenced toward selfishness. There is a part of man that desires to do good and will manifest this goodness through acts of mercy and human compassion. Humanity has the capacity to love, born from being made in the image of God. Civilization has worked to cultivate this goodness, creating laws and statues to help govern the behavior of people to act civilized. The influence of religious organizations has contributed to this influence by teaching us to be kind to each other. Jesus Himself, in the Sermon on the Mount taught us to love your neighbor as yourself. But being good is not enough, for all have sinned and come short of redemption. Our good works come short of meeting the requirement for atonement for sin. But God, in His tender mercy and love sent His Son to pay the price for our redemption. He died on the cross, the sinless One, the lamb of God who is able to take away the sins of the world paid the debt that was ours. Through His death and resurrection we now can have new life, The Holy Spirit is given to us, purifying our hearts by faith. The world is filled with good people doing their best, and only God knows the heart of man, but salvation does not come by good works that we have done, but by faith in the One who is able to save us to the utmost.

Monday, August 28, 2023

The Things of this World

Job 1:21

And he said, “Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

How obvious it is when we attend a funeral that the person laid in the casket no longer is in possession of their worldly things. Without the life flowing blood of life, the flesh on the bones slowly decomposes and we return back to the earth. All of our striving for the things of this world are counted as insignificant compared to the eternal things of God. Society has conditioned our minds and hearts to desire the things of this world, that the things of this world will bring happiness and contentment. To a degree, they do, but they only last for a season. It is necessary that we maintain a spiritual mind set that our treasures are not of this world, but we have set our hearts on things above. We are born into this world without possessions , and we will leave this life empty handed. We are grateful for what God gives us and He desires that we be good stewards of it, but all things belong to Him, and like Job, we commit our lives into His hands, and praise Him regardless of the circumstances 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

God Is Not Far Away

 Psalm 22:19

But you, O Lord, do not be far off! O you my help, come quickly to my aid!

There are times in our lives that we may feel that all is against us. Everything that happens cries out that God does not care, and He is far from us. Like Job, we look on every side and God is not seen. (Job. 23) We examine our hearts and ask God to search us for anything that may have displeased Him. Jesus went through his last days in a like manner. On His way to the cross, the Pharisee hated Him, the Roman government turned their back on Him. His followers denied and forsook Him, and on the cross, He cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.” (Matt. 27:46). But God who not only searches our heart, but knows our desires. He looks into the depths of our heart and sees that our heart is set in serving Him. After Job looked and could not find Him, he declared, “But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.” God sees the big picture, and will not forsake us in our time of need. He knows the way we have taken, and will not be far off!

Thursday, August 24, 2023

That Good Thing

 2 Tim. 1:13,14
Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us.

“That good thing.” We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. (2 Corinth 4:7) We pray that good things will happen. We desire the blessing of God to bring us things that will bring joy to our lives, and bring contentment. But we know that for reasons not always known, bad things also happen, because that is the consequences in living a fallen world. But despite all the bad things that are happening, we have “That good thing” that God has given us through Christ. He has given us a clean heart, through His blood shed on the cross we have forgiveness of sin. We have the assurance that God is good and He does all things well. “That good thing” that is given to us remains in us because the Holy Spirit is living and guiding us each day. Giving us the power to overcome the bad things that come our way. We hold fast the sound teaching handed down through scripture and feed on the  good things of His word. We hide His word in our hearts and integrate them into the way we live our lives. Let us not let go of “That good thing” for it is the treasure He has given us. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The True Church

 Matt. 6:18
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock (Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone; Eph. 2:20) I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

A Church is born. Not a building or edifice, but a body of believers that unite together in one spirit. Born of the Father, made through the death of Christ on the cross and the resurrection, that the gates of hell could not prevent. This Church is a spiritual structure bringing together all who put their trust in Jesus Christ. He is the foundation, the chief cornerstone that all who claim Him as Lord and Savior can stand firm. Regardless of our origins or birthplace we are fitly put together to worship Him in the beauty of holiness. We gather together on the Lord’s day, we come to church, a physical building, a place we have dedicated as the house of God. It is not the Church, but a church where a group of believers come together as part of the Church for the purpose to worship, grow in grace, fellowship, and share our burdens. Some have said that the church is a “hospital” for the sick, a place for sinners to find Christ, and for those who need spiritual and physical healing. Therefore, the doors of the church are open to all who desire to know or find God. The church is not exclusive, but inclusive to both sinners and saints. Membership into this physical church varies from church organizations. To guard against heresy, statements of faith are put in place to maintain the doctrine of Christ and moral values of the church that are taught in scripture.  Such statements should not preclude or restrict worship of God according to the dictates of one’s heart. All are welcome, especially the child of God who is part of the Church that is built on the chief cornerstone. In the house of God, the wall of division are broken down and all come together as one in Christ to honor and glorify Him. He is the Rock, His church will prevail.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Thirsty For God

 Psalm 42:2
My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God …

It is speculated that the average person can go 3 days without water before the organs start to shut down. Even within a day the body becomes thirsty and we start looking for somewhere to find water. Jesus is the Water of life, and my soul desires each day to drink from Him. We cannot survive spiritually without the Water of life. That is why it is imperative that we daily come to the well of living water, and draw from the living God. We may not always be able to take a block of time from our day, every day,  but daily it is necessary that we call upon Him, and put our trust and faith in the One who cares for us. He is our substance and He provides the strength and endurance to help us stand in the face of life’s challenges. The unbeliever wake up each day, and takes no thought of seeking God, thirsting after righteousness. They are blinded to spiritual things and seek only the carnal and natural things of humanity, but the Christian has been made alive and the source of this life comes from the Living Water. Like the women at the well, He desires to give us the living water, water that will satisfy the longing of the soul, water that will fill the heart with His divine love, water that flows from the fountain of life. “Lord, give me this Living Water for I thirst for you”

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Our God is Awesome!

 Psalm 33:8,9
Let all the earth fear the Lord: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spoke, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

Our God is an awesome God! A chorus we sang in our children’s VBS one summer. We only need to look at His creation and the handiwork of His hands and we stand in awe of His might power. God said, "Let there be light, and there was light.” Our God is an awesome God. Jesus, on the sea of Galilee, spoke the words, “Peace be still.” and the waves and winds obeyed Him. Our God is an awesome God! Jesus spoke the words again, “Raise up and walk.” and the lame were made whole. Our God is an awesome God! Jesus touched the eyes of the blind man, and his eyes were open. Our God is an awesome God! The Publican cried out, “Be merciful to me, a sinner.” and this man went home justified, and forgiven of his sins. Our God is an awesome God! Facing two men possessed with demons, He commanded the demons to go, and they fled into a herd of swines. Our God is an awesome God! Even as Jesus was hanging on the cross between two sinners, the thief cried out to be remembered in the next life. Jesus says, “Today, you shall be with me in paradise.” Our God is an awesome God! I stand in awe and praise Him today, because He is faithful, and His mercy endures forever. He is an awesome God! Sing with me, “Our God is an awesome God!”

Thursday, August 10, 2023

To Our Old Age

 Isaiah 46:4
Even to your old age I am he  and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear;  I will carry and will save.

I recently received a photo of myself, and had to take a second look. Surely that was not me? The years are beginning to show on my face. I’m aging to an old age. My hair is gradually turning gray, and my days on earth are becoming fewer and fewer. It is the way of all flesh, Time marches on and our days are numbered. “​The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they are fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.”(Psalm 90:10). I’m at threescore and almost five, and have found God to be faithful. For even in my old age, He has carried me through the valley of life and has brought me to this present day. I don’t know how many more days He will allow me to live, but this one thing I know, He will never leave me or forsake me. His promises are true and I choose to believe that He is able to do all things to His glory. Until He calls me home, I desire to live a life that is unspotted from the world, lifting holy hands, doing His work, and expect Him to return soon to receive the young and old who have given their hearts and life to Him