Monday, October 16, 2023

What is in Your Hand?

 Ex 4:2
​​And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.

The things that seem to be of no significance are often the tools God uses to get His work done. What kind of “rod” do you hold in your hands can God use? God asked Moses to throw the rod down. Moses obeyed and Moses saw the power of God. This is not the last time God demonstrated His power through the rod that Moses held. Like Moses, we may feel inadequate for the work He calls us to do. We see so many others with innate talent that could do the job so much better. “Who Am I?” Moses is not the only one who has spoken those words. It has been said that God is not asking if you are able, but if you are available. He is asking us to give our best effort. “Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might;”- Ecc 9:10. Do our best, and let God do the rest. We may or probably not be the best qualified person to do what needs to be done, but God is calling us to fill in the gap, make up the hedge and take what is in our hand and use it to the glory of God. Jesus took ordinary men from ordinary occupations, and they did some very extraordinary things. He has put something in everybody's hand, it is time to throw down the rod, and see God at work.

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