Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Ambition to Serve

 Mark 10:44
Whoever would be first among you must be a servant of all.

Ambition is a good trait to have. Setting goals and discipling yourself to work toward those goals. But Jesus warned us about having ambitions that were totally self centered. James and John had ambitions to be seated next to Him when Jesus set up His kingdom. They had ambitions to be in charge, to have power over others. Power is one of the P’s that destroy the soul. Along with pleasures of this world, pride of Life, and prosperity. History tells the story of those who sought power to rule kingdoms and nations. Such ambitions never come to a good end. Being a ruler or leader is not an easy task when it also requires being a servant. You must be able to take charge, have vision, know how to delegate, and be willing to listen to others. A good leader will demonstrate leadership by being an example of what needs to be done. Pauls says, “Follow me, as I follow Christ.” Jesus, the Son of God, lived a life of servanthood, and made the ultimate sacrifice by giving His life that we might be saved. Ambition to be like Jesus, to serve others, and be a servant of all is not done by human efforts. It requires a daily submission to God and His will and purposes. “All of my ambitions, hopes and plans I surrender these into your hands.” from the hymn, Jesus, All for Jesus, should be the prayer of our heart. Let us walk carefully, that we keep our ambitions in the center of God’s will.

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