Saturday, September 9, 2023

Alienated from God, but Reconciled

Col 1:21,22
And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

It is only through the blood of Christ, the blood that was shed on the cross that we can stand before a holy God and be presented unblameable. We are all born in sin and the works of the flesh are seen in our lives at an early age. The tendency is to put self first. Many times the good work we do is done to compensate for the selfish things that we do. Balance out the bad by doing good. The works of the flesh alienate us from God, and we believe that if we do things that are kind and helpful that we can in some way get God’s approval. Works not done by faith or love for God, or anything done without the Holy Spirit is a “work of the flesh.”  The teaching that humanity is basically good, and only needs to be trained and put in the right environment to do what is right is inaccurate. We do see moments during natural disasters of people coming together to help each other. This is a natural desire of survival and a God given desire to reach out to humanity, but such actions do not negate the fact that man is basically self-centered and seeks to please and satisfy himself, disregarding God's desire. Wicked works cause a separation between God and us. Yet now, we are part of the body of Christ and no longer do the works of the flesh. We align ourselves with the works of the Spirit, and manifest the fruits of the Spirit in our lives. This is the natural desire for the person who is sanctified and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live unblamable in this present world.

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