Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Give it your Best

 Col. 3:23
Whatever you do, do it  heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 

We find similar admonition in the book of Ecclesiastes 9:10 from Solomon. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” The daily task of the day may not seem significant in light of a life-span or eternity, but our time on earth is given to us by God, and we are to be stewards of this time. “Whatever” is all inclusive, it means in everything we do we need to give it our best. This is the motto I have used to inspire my students over the years I taught. I did not expect my students to be perfect, or even always get the right answer, but I did expect them to give it their best effort. God has given most of us hands to work, and a job to do. Sometimes others may not appreciate the work we do and the effort we give. It may even go unnoticed by those around us, but the work we do is for the kingdom and for Christ. We may ask, “Why should I care, no one else seems to care.” But God sees our hearts and our desire to serve Him. We all desire the approbation of others and as human beings the need to be appreciated and needed. This is not wrong, but our ultimate motivation is to honor God and to do our best to please Him. Whatever lot God has given you, do it to the best of your ability and do it to glorify the Father in heaven.

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