Saturday, October 21, 2023

Bear Witness to the Light

 John 1:7,8
The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.  He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

As Christian, we are to be Christ-like. It is through the life we live and the example we show others that we let the light of Jesus shine through us. We were once sinners, lost and blinded by sin but now have come to the true Light and Christ is the light that lives in us. We are now to be a reflection of that Light. When people in the world look at our life do they see a Christ-like spirit? Are they able to believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior when they see the way we live? We are not perfect, and Satan will use our humanity to discourage us from letting the light of Christ shine through us. We are to bear witness of Jesus, not to demonstrate how good we are, or brag on our spirituality. The true light that is seen by others is not necessarily in the things we don’t do, but in the things we do. This does not mean that committing sin does not cause others to stumble, but our true witness for Christ will demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit, and bear witness of the true Light. The Pharisees lived life spotless on the outside, but most of them were full of darkness on the inside. They bore witness to legalism and works of self righteousness. Jesus desires that we live godly and righteous that our life may glorify the Father in heaven and bear witness of the Light within us.

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