Monday, August 21, 2023

Thirsty For God

 Psalm 42:2
My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God …

It is speculated that the average person can go 3 days without water before the organs start to shut down. Even within a day the body becomes thirsty and we start looking for somewhere to find water. Jesus is the Water of life, and my soul desires each day to drink from Him. We cannot survive spiritually without the Water of life. That is why it is imperative that we daily come to the well of living water, and draw from the living God. We may not always be able to take a block of time from our day, every day,  but daily it is necessary that we call upon Him, and put our trust and faith in the One who cares for us. He is our substance and He provides the strength and endurance to help us stand in the face of life’s challenges. The unbeliever wake up each day, and takes no thought of seeking God, thirsting after righteousness. They are blinded to spiritual things and seek only the carnal and natural things of humanity, but the Christian has been made alive and the source of this life comes from the Living Water. Like the women at the well, He desires to give us the living water, water that will satisfy the longing of the soul, water that will fill the heart with His divine love, water that flows from the fountain of life. “Lord, give me this Living Water for I thirst for you”

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