Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Lord Stood With Me

2 Tim 4:17 “Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me and strengthened me”-
Loneliness and feeling forsaken by others can be a depressing emotion. People get busy with their lives and it is easy to forget that there are other people who may be going through some difficult times. There are times that we may be walking through the valley of the shadow of death, and everyone around us is clueless of the battles we are fighting, or the lonely walk we trod. Paul sat behind prison walls and there were few who took the time to go see him. He was human and no doubt he was confronted with temptations of self pity.  He did not cave in to those thoughts, he remembered his calling and mission that God gave him. He believed he was doing God’s will and trusted God to take him through. He was not alone, God stood by his side to comfort and strengthen him. Even in valley, He is there, He will never leave us alone, no never alone. A comfort to know that God is there, even when others have forsaken us. 

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