Friday, January 22, 2016

My Members

Roman 7:23 “ But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.”-
The battle between doing good and doing evil. Born of Adam’s race, we our all born with sin dwelling in our hearts. Before coming to Christ, our consciences convicted us when we would do wrong. To ease our guilt, we did our best to start doing right and commit our actions to works of righteousness. The struggle is real. We were born to serve God and the inward man that was born of God desires to please its Creator. It strives to live with a conscience that is void of offense. A new Christian who knows that Christ has forgiven their sins is quicken by the Spirit and is empowered to walk toward the light of God. A believer who is consecrated to God and who has given their life as a living sacrifice will rely solely on the Holy Spirit to overcome sin and self. Because we still are human with human desires, the temptation to do wrong will always be possible. Satan takes that which is good and will twist it for evil, but our members are yielded unto holiness and our hearts are changed to seek what God wants. 

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