Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I Am The Door

John 10:9 “I am the door; by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.”-
To enter into the Kingdom of God one must pass through the door. Heaven’s gates are open only to those who have right of passage. Many will attempt to find their way to God through some other way. They will claim that the way to eternal life and peace is to be a good person and treat people with respect, others will say that as long as you are sincere in your worship to a god, you will be allowed to enter into heaven. Those who don’t want to offend anyone, will say that their are many ways to God and that Jesus is not the only way. There are those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but require that getting through the doors of heaven one must follow all the rules of the church, rules that were man written. Jesus is the only Shepherd that stands at the door of heaven’s gate and all who desire to enter into the shepherd fold must do so through Christ. For those who enter, they listen to the voice of the shepherd and desire to obey His word. It is a witness of God  that the sheep know their shepherd because they hear His voice and follow. All who refuse to listen and follow do not belong to the Shepherd. They are pretenders and they will be revealed as the black sheep in the day of judgment.

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