Monday, January 25, 2016

From the Fountain

James 3:10,11 “Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Doth a fountain send forth from the same place sweet water and bitter?”-
Is it possible for a true Christian that loves God to praise God one day and the next day use profanity and speak ill-will of someone else? Paul did not think so. He says that a fountain either has sweet water or it has bitter waters. Which one is it? It cannot be both. It is not the natural course. A person who has experience the love and grace of God will show forth actions that will reflect what God has done. The words we speak, are the words we think. What we think is what is in our heart. It is true, that in our humanity that our bodies can reach a point of stress that our natural reflects can cause us to react too quickly, but such actions can be the results of involuntary impulse. As Christians, we must guard what we say and how we say it. Always remember to speak that which is kind and up lifting. Our tongue must come under the influence of the Holy Spirit. May we be careful to always reflect what we say to please God and honor others.

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