Monday, January 11, 2016

Loved By God

Roman 5:8 “But God commendeth His love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”-
What value does a sinner have? A person who is self-centered and lives to please their selfish desires is difficult to even like. All who are born to this world are born with sin in their heart. The symptoms of this nature is seen even in little children who hardly know they are even doing wrong. As sinners, we do not measure up to God’s holiness, we are yet sinners and the wages of sin is death. But God who reaches out to us in our lost  condition loves us. He made us in His image, and values what He made. Sin has twisted that image, but His love toward us wants to redeem that image, to transform it into the image of Christ. His love was willing to send His Son, Jesus to pay for our sin and take on the penalty that we deserve. Christ died for us, to set us free from sin. Where we were once sinners, we are now made partakers of His love and remade into His image.  No longer sinners, but loved by God and a child of the King. 

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