Saturday, January 16, 2016

Strong Meat

Heb. 5:12 “ For at the time when ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God, and have become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.”-
The danger of not growing spiritually is not being able to discern what is good and evil. This spiritual apathy of not growing in your faith over time can lead to apostasy, or turning your back on that which brought you spiritual life. It is important that a new born Christian slowly begin to change their spiritual diet from milk to meat. The rudiments of Christianity teaching is to know that Jesus is God, came to this world to save sinners. That all humanity is lost in sin and needs the blood that Jesus shed on the cross to save them from their sins. This is the fundamental of faith and foundation of sound doctrine. Growing in the teaching Christ is to be grounded and totally surrendered to obeying God. Learning the walk of holiness. Coming to a place in our lives where the Holy Spirit can help us consecrate our life to be a servant of Christ. Letting the Holy Spirit deal with the self-life in our hearts. The meat diet will put perfect love in our hearts to love God with all our hearts and our fellow neighbors likewise. The meat diet will does not perfect our humanity, but it sanctifies our motives to always desiring to obey His word and live blameless before God. My prayer is, “Give me more meat Lord.” That I may discern what is good and evil. 

7:00am- 10:00pm

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