Saturday, June 13, 2015

What is that to Thee?

John 21:22 Jesus said unto him, “If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me.”-
Is it really any of our business? We often get caught up in what other people are doing or not doing. We measure ourselves by what others are accomplishing, or not accomplishing. On either side of the spectrum, we can find ourselves becoming discourage because we don’t seem to be doing much for God, or thinking that we are ok because we are doing more than others. We are not to compare ourselves with one another, the standard by which we are measured is what God says in His word, and by listening to what God would have us to do. The burden and load to see God’s work advance can get heavy and it is wonderful when everyone involved is willing to give of their time and resources to help, but there may be times when being called to service is needful regardless if anyone else is concern. Our concern is that we follow Him and do His bidding. What other people do, we leave it with God and trust that God will use them for His glory. Do you love Him? If you say yes, then don’t be surprise if He ask you to serve by giving of your time and resources. Our love is often tested by our willingness to “feed the sheep”, to reach out around us and be willing to serve others, even when it seems like we are doing it alone. 

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