Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Anchor of the Soul

Heb. 6:19.20 “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil, where the Forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, who is made a high priest forever...”- 
The future is so uncertain. Things change from one day to the next and sometimes those changes can be big. But in the midst of change, we serve a God who does not change. His promises are forever true and He stands by His word. We can anchor our trust in the One who is steadfast and dependable. Jesus, the one that is constant and true, He changes not, He is the same today, yesterday, and forevermore. When the circumstances around us swift and change with the blowing wind, His love and care is consistent. He will not let us become shipwreck in the storm of change. “Our hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus Christ and His righteousness.” “We have an anchor that keeps the soul, steadfast, and sure as the billows roll.” He is unchangeable, He is our hope when all else fails. Yes, the world seems to be headed toward self destruction, leaving God out of it’s plans, but for those who have anchor in Him, we can believe that there is a better tomorrow. Because He lives and is the anchor of our soul, we can look to the future and know that God will be there every step of the way.

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