Saturday, June 27, 2015

Preach Jesus

Act. 8:35 “Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same Scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.”- 
There are a lot of things that we can say to the world that would be right and Biblical, but in the end, the goal is to show them Jesus. We live in a world that is bent to sin and our current culture has thrown out the Bible as it’s moral compass and guide. The Supreme Court of the US just legalize the marriage of same sex couples, this just proves to show that we have forsaken the laws of God and burned within us the lust of our flesh as a country. The only real answer to the moral decline of our county is to show them Jesus. When He comes into the heart’s of men and women, a desire to live in His light begins to grow. The habits of sin may take time to break, but the Holy Spirit will lead those out of sin if they walk in the Spirit. I believe we need to stand for what is Biblically right and not compromise the truth of God’s word. A Christian cannot condone sin of any kind, but neither can a Christian be unkind and hold back God’s love to all who need it. There is a lot of preaching that can be found in the scriptures, especially to the Christian teaching them how to live in Christ, but to the world, our preaching needs to focus on the one who died for sin and rose again to give new life to all who will come to Him. 

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