Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Restraining our Lips

Prov. 10:19 “In the multitude of words there lacketh not sin, but he that restraineth his lips is wise”- 
The tongue and lips are just two of the many parts of the body that helps us function and survive. They are small members that perform great task. There are many things we do with them that bring pleasure and blessings, but they also can bring destruction. What we do with these small members is one of choice. We can choose to taste the good things of God, or we can choose to taste of the sinful pleasures of sin. We have the choice to speak truth, or speak lies. James also speaks of the tongue, and how dangerous it can be. “And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. So is the tongue among our members that it defileth the whole body and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire from hell.” The things we say can be cutting or they can be kind. As Christian, who live in the Vine, the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. We are to manifest the fruits of the Spirit and use our body to glorify God. “In whatsoever we do, do to the glory of God” The words we speak with our tongue and through are lips are a manifestation of what is in our heart. “for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”. So, it is not the tongue or lips that sin, but the heart the proceeds it. We must trust the Holy Spirit to help us control what we say and how we say it. The spirit in which we speak the truth is as important as the truth we speak. It may be true, but speaking it may not be the right things to do. Let us guard our heart that we always speak words of kindness and truth in the Spirit of love and understanding that people need grace, not condemnation. 

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