Saturday, June 20, 2015

On His Shoulders

Luke 15: “And when he hath found it, he layeth it on His shoulders, rejoicing.”-
 Often when am in a large crowd where there are thousands of people, I ask myself, “Does God really care about every single person on this earth?” History has recorded tens of millions of people have come and gone from this world, and to think that God took interest in each one of them. Humanity born into this world lost in sin are like sheep who have gone astray to do their own thing. Christ came to seek all who are lost in sin, to bring them into the kingdom of God. It matters not who you are or how insignificant you may feel, Jesus cares about your life and the problems you face. He desires to pick you up and carry you on His shoulders and bring you safely home. 
There are times as Christians that we need Jesus to take special notice of our situation, and we may wonder if this is just “life” and like everyone else we need to deal with it. We start to look at our circumstances and wonder how we will find our way out. Everyone has problems, and what makes us so special that God will take the time to rescue us. But, Jesus who is omnipresent and all knowing reaches down into our little world and carries us on His shoulders. On His shoulders, we can rejoice that He loves and cares for us individually and knows exactly what we need. Yes, it may seem at times that we are all alone and no one around to help, but I’m so glad we serve a God who take special note of our needs and He rejoices when we call on Him for help. Thank God, He carries us on His shoulders. 

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