Thursday, June 11, 2015

Stand Still

Ex 14: 13,14 “...Fear ye not. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will show to you today...The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.”- 
The Israelites where very upset about their situation. Their anger toward Moses was caused by the fear that they would be left dead in the wilderness. Fear comes when we fail to put our trust in God. We look at the situation and question if God is able to take care of it. Doubt starts to filter into our thinking and we start to look to our own means and understanding to solve the problem. When a solution is not found, we despair and give up. Our faith is made ship wreck. But, the call from heaven is to fear not. Stand still and see what God can do. Quit trying to figure it all out, and let God take control of the problem. Stand still and watch God calm the storming sea in your life. He desires to give us peace in the time of storm and trouble waters. He does not expect us to fight this battle on our own, He will go before us and make the way. If we could only learn to stand still and have faith in the God of our salvation.

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