Thursday, June 18, 2015

Failing God

John 18:25 “And Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. They said therefore unto him, “Art not thou also one of his disciples?” He denied it and said, “I am not.”-
Failure is tough to deal with. The pressure to meet expectations are sometimes too demanding. We are so human oriented in our efforts to accomplish our goals and aspirations. Peter had every intention when he started out to follow Jesus, and stand with Him all the way. But, Peter could not deal with the fear of man and dropped the ball. Jesus knew that Peter had a heart that desired to serve, but also knew that Peter had a weakness that needed to be dealt with. Failure is not a necessary competent of the Christian life, but without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the experience of full surrender to the will of God, failure is inevitable. But, failure does not have to be fatal. God is a God of second, and third chances. To the heart that is sincere, God will not fail. He loves us too much to let us stay down. He reaches down to where we are, forgiving us, and bringing us out of our despair. It is not God’s plan that we fail Him, He wants to help us to be overcomers and have victory in our life everyday. After Peter experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Peter was never the same. He put his full trust in God and was able to cast all his cares on Him. God is able to use the fallibility of  man like Peter, and give him the power of God to live holy and righteous all the days of his life.

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