Friday, June 5, 2015

Fix My Eyes On Him

Phil 3:13 “...but this one thing I do: forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before”-
 To keep Christ the focus of our attention, we must always be looking straight ahead to what is before us. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and making Him the centrality of who we are. We really don’t have time to look back on those things that divert our attention. The past is under the blood and it has been forgiven by God. The sins that brought us guilt and condemnation have been covered by the blood, never to be remember again. The failures of our past can haunt us and keep us from being all that God wants us to be. We are not to ignore our failures, for they teach us valuable lessons, but neither can we let them hinder us from going forward. By all means, we must not let life’s circumstances stand in our way of following Christ and knowing the life that He can give us. 

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