Saturday, July 27, 2019

Take Up Your Cross

Matt. 16:24  Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

To take up the cross is to deny the things of this world and live with eternity in mind. We live in earthen vessels and our humanity in closely tied to what we see, hear, smell, and touch. But every man is created with a soul. The soul is the spirit of man. The self that will live on after this earthen vessel is gone. Living for this world is to be blinded by Satan to what is really important and essential to life. Enjoying life in this world is not forbidden. But if it hinders us from taking up our cross to follow him, then we will lose our eternal soul for what this temporal world has to offer. The implications of taking up the cross goes beyond the unfortunate things that happen in our live that we bare. It is willingness to submit our lives into the hands of God and let Him take control. “Not my will Lord, but Thy will be done”

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