Friday, July 12, 2019

The Soil of the Heart

Luke 8:15  But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart…
The good news, the gospel seed is God’s word to us. The words of truth, words of salvation, words of how to live to honor and glorify our Creator. Jesus tells us that not everyone receives truth the same. Cultivating the soil of our heart is our responsibility. Willingness to open our heart to truth and obey His word is the first step in preparing the soil of our heart. We need to be honest with who we are and let the Holy Spirit turn over the hard soil of our heart and allow Him to remove the stuff in our lives that hinder a deeper life in God. An honest and good heart does not find excuses and avoid what is good for the soil. It knows that it needs to be plowed and made ready for truth. When the seed is planted, the results are roots that go deep allowing for times of draught and stability to withstand the harsh conditions of life. The type of soil we are is not predestinated, we have a choice in determining what kind of soil we will be. The choice is wayside, rocky, thorny, or good ground. Let God’s seed of truth grow in your life to produce the fruit He desires of you.

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