Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Triumph In Christ

2 Corith 2:14 Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ

We all like to be winners and no one likes to lose. Whether we are the players or spectators, we want to come through victorious. Being on the winning side of a sports or game activity is short lived and the emotion of triumph soon dissipates. There is never a guarantee that we will win again the next time we play. Such is not the case when we fight or battle for the cause of Christ. Christ, our general and chief is leading the battle and He is undefeated and has never lost a battle. As followers of Him, we also can be triumphed in our fight against sin, our battles or temptations, and victorious during troubled times. At the end of life, we can look back and see through every trial and hardship, Christ was there to carry us through, He was there to fight for us. There is victory in Jesus, He will go before us, and we will raise our hands in victory when we cross on the other side.

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