Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Open Our Eyes

2 Kings 6:16 Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them…And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man.

The odds don’t appear to look good. It appears that the enemy of our soul is getting the best of us. We take one step forward and two steps back. At every turn in the road, we face another set back. We find ourselves surrounded by unfortunate events. The enemy surrounds us with discouragement, disappointment, and desires to destroy our faith and trust in God. What appears is not always what it seems. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. Behind the scene of this temporal world, God is working on our behalf. We but need to open our eyes and see what God is doing. He is the God of impossibilities and has us surrounded by “horses and chariots of fire”. We need not fear for tomorrow or our current blight. The Lord of host is with us. He will fight the battle for us. At the right time, He will show himself in our behalf. May God open our eyes and see that God is for us. Seize the day, for God is in control.

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