Monday, July 1, 2019

Evidence of Faith

James 2:17- Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

Truth is validated by evidence. Without evidence, claims are just speculation and opinion. The discovery of evidence is more likely to lead to truth. The heavens have declared the glory of God and His creation demonstrates His existence. I believe God is because I see His handiwork all around me. I have seen Him work in the hearts of lives of people. People who have come to faith in God, just don’t say they now believe, but there is a change in the way they live. Their faith is evidence in the works they do. It is a simple cause and effect reaction. I believe, I therefore do… The fruits of their lives will demonstrate what they believe. If you say you are a Christian and believe that Jesus is Lord of your life, then the evidence will be seen in the way you treat people and the love you show by giving of yourself to help others. Our works is the life we live. It is the evidence seen by the world that we are who we say we are. Without faith it is impossible to please God, the evidence of our faith in then demonstrated in the works we perform.

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