Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Tomb is Sealed

Matt. 61:66 So they went, and made the sepulcher sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.
All day Saturday after Jesus was taken off the cross, He laid in the tomb. He was pronounce dead on the cross when the spear pierces His side. Now behind the sealed sepulcher laid the Son of God, His heart no longer beating, but His Spirit descended the depth of hell to retrieved the keys of life and death. In the hearts of those that followed Him, all hope was gone. He who they thought would be their Savior, and deliver them from the bondage of Rome wept with sorrow. They heard Him say that in 3 days He would rise from the dead, but they believed not. We are not much different. When things go wrong and hope fades away we despair for the day and tomorrow will just bring more sorrow. The tomb has been sealed and God is gone. Where is He when life is hard and there seems to be no where to turn. He might as well be sealed away in the sepulcher. It’s Saturday, and Sunday seems so far away. 

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