Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Heart of a Child

Mark 10:14 Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
There are some childish things that we should not put away. The disposition of children raised in environment where they are sheltered and protected is to trust those who care for them. They live life without care for they believe that their parent(s) will feed them, and keep them safe. They run, play and enjoy life without worrying if they will have supper, or have a place to rest their heads at night. It is this simple trust that the child of God has toward his Heavenly Father. He cares not today what tomorrow will bring, if sunshine or rain, he knows that God will provide for today and when the sun rises tomorrow morning. The kingdom of God consist of those who willing abandoned themselves to the providence of God and trust God that all will be well. The heart of a child is to trust.

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