Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Behold the Cross

Luke 23:48 And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things which were done, smote their breasts, and returned.

Behold and see what God has done! Gave His son to die on the cross to save the likes of you and me. Gaze upon the cross, and behold the things that sin will cause people to do. The heart of man is wicked and destructive. Anything that reveals the sinful nature of man causes man to revile in hatred against that which condemns their heart. Behold Him there hanging on the cross between two sinners, the Holy one of God who healed the blind, fed the thousands, made men to walk, and loved sinners regardless of their social statues. Behold how He breathes words of forgiveness to those who put Him on the cross. “Forgive them, Lord for they know not what they do”. Behold Jesus, as He looks toward heaven and exclaims, “It is finished”. The ultimate price was paid, Jesus, the God-man who came to earth and lived among us to show us how to live. Gave His life, paid the penalty for our sins that we may behold eternity and see Him someday face to face.

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