Saturday, March 17, 2018

Corrupt Communcation

Eph. 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

The scripture has a lot to say about how Christian should be communicating. Before coming to Christ, unless trained otherwise, we took no thought about the words we spoke. The old self had no filter, it spoke what it thought, and would justify itself because they were injured or disrespected by someone else. When someone does wrong against us or violates our self image, the natural response of the “old man” is to lash back out. To get even, get revenge. “No one talks to me that way, I’ll show them”. Being angry at the actions of other people is not sinful, Paul said, “Be angry, but sin not”. Don’t let your displeasure cause you to spew out corrupt communication. Let the Holy Spirit put a guard on your tongue. Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit by allowing the devil to take control of the words you speak. Put on the “new man”. Let God transform the way you communicate the words that come out of your month. Especially those that are new born in Christ. It will be a work in progress. Putting off is a deliberate action that is taken. Refrain from using words that are filled with evil speaking and are malicious. But let the words you speak be uplifting and kind. A soft word turns away wrath. Entreats the Holy Spirit to empower you to be a witness for Christ and minister grace to those who may not be deserving.

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