Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Waiting on God

Psalm 25:5 “Lead me in Thy truth and teach me, for Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do I wait all the day.”-

Waiting is not my strong suit, especially when it appears that it is time wasted doing nothing. But to wait on God does not mean that we sit around and waste time. Waiting on God gives us an opportunity to renew our strength in Him. Time to reflect and examine our hearts before God. Time to seek Him in the stillness of the night. Waiting for Him to do great things, and contemplating how He will do it. The timing of God is always right and He know just the right time to make things happen. Our humanist want to see things happen now. We become impatient when progress is not being made and it looks like we our marking time. Marching in place and going no where. But they that wait on the Lord, shall have their strength renewed day by day. They let go and trust God for the future and believe that He has all things under control. 

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