Thursday, July 28, 2016

He is a Friend

Proverbs 18:24 “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”-

Social media Facebook calls your list of connection, friends. The word is use very loosely to mean anyone that you might know or have met. My current list of “friends” is 717 people. Many of these are family members, students I taught, people I went to high school and college with, people I work with, neighbors I have known for a long time, and a host of Christian people I have known from my church affiliation over the years. Some of these people at one time were close friends that I have shared my heart with and have prayed for me during hard times. Time and distance has taken us down separate paths in life with different goals and aspirations. People change and the bond of friendship often loses their grip. Friendships are betrayed and choices are made to “unfriend” and break the bond of friendship. There are a few of these that I still consider close friends that I believe will always be there over the course of time. I cherish these friendships, but even those can change. But there is one friendship that will never change. Jesus, a friend who will stick with you no matter what happens in life. He will be with you in the dark times.  He is a friend who knows all about you, He knows your weaknesses and your strengths. He has your back when it looks like everyone else has forsaken you. He is a friend that only desires what is good for you, and will led you to a land unerring. “What a friend we have in Jesus, can we find a friend so faithful...who all our sorrows share..take it to the Him prayer”

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