Friday, July 8, 2016

By Their Fruits

Matt. 7:20, 21 “Therefore, by their fruits ye shall know them. “Not every one that saith unto Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father who is in Heaven.

The teaching of Jesus astonished those who sat and listen to the words He spoke from this mount in Judah. He told them to judging not, and to make sure that their own heart was right with God. After we take care of our own problems we can then discern how to best judge, or when to help others, We must seek Him to help us discern truth. He promised if we ask, we will receive discernment. No one likes to be judge by someone else who also has shortcomings, we need to show others the same respect that we would like to receive when they look at our lives. There are those who have no love for the truth or desire to follow it. These are the ones that we must not let other be influence by, we must warn others not to follow someone who is using truth for their own gain. There are very few people willing to look in the mirror of God’s Word and follow it. Following it requires self denial and doing His will.  We only need to look at the fruit of their lives to see that they are not following Him. The fruit of Spirit is missing.  All who profess to follow God are not necessarily doing the will of God.  They that do God’s will are building their lives on the Way, the Truth and the Life, and living out His truth. 

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