Monday, July 25, 2016

The Enemy of the Soul

Psalm 35:24 “Judge me, O Lord my God, according to Thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me.”-

David faced a lot of opposition from those that should have loved him most. It is tough knowing that your own flesh and blood seeks to hurt you without a righteous cause. Sin in the hearts of people causes them to lash out with cutting words and find ways to make life unpleasant. We search our hearts, asking God to examine if there is anything we may have said or done to cause such hatred. We may not have anybody that is out to get us, but Satan is the accuser of the brother and desires to bring destructions to our lives. He seeks after the apple of God’s eye and despises those who put their love and trust in God. He rejoices when a follower of Christ take another path, when those that are called Christian become bitter against each other. Satan desires to divide the power of the people of God by bringing division that is founded on things that are not worth dying for. “Lord, create a new heart within me, don’t allow Satan, the real enemy to use me in a way that will hinder the kingdom of God. Help me to seek righteousness and holiness. Defeat the power of the devil, so that your name may be glorified”. 

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