Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Fear of the Lord

Psalm 34:4, 7 “I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears...The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.”

Fear is a nature instinct of human nature. We become afraid when we sense that our lives are in danger. Confronting a stranger(s) that appear to have ill motives in mind is cause for us to run and hide. We like to be safe and secure in our home and places we go. The sound of strange noises in our home in the middle of the night will wake us up and our hearts become fearful that someone is in our home. We grab a bat, a gun, anything that will protect us from the intruder. Such response is natural and God given. But then there is fear that Satan binds us with. Fear of the unknown, fear that God does not care, fear that we are all alone to fight the battle of life on our own. This fear is born from our inability to trust God to take care of us and deliver us from these thoughts. David, the psalmist sought God to remove these thoughts from his mind. He wanted the peace of mind that God was in control and that He would protect him from bad things happening. Fearing God is not to be afraid of Him, but to recognized that God is great and mighty, He is holy and able to do anything. We serve a God who created us in His image and as our Creator we fear Him. We fall down before Him is awe and adoration knowing He is God and He is able to surround us with His presence. To know God is to fear God, for in our fear of Him, we have surrender our lives into His care. 

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