Monday, July 11, 2016

Contentment in Life

Philippians 4:11 “Not that I speak in respect to want, for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”-

Contentment in life seems to come when all is going well and everything is at peace in our lives. No conflicts, no stress, the bills are all paid up, and tragedy has not touched our lives. We sit on our porch drinking our favor beverage and contemplate the goodness of God and His blessings. Unfortunately, this is not the real world we live in. Conflicts and stress happens. We don’t always get our way, and things take place in our life’s journey that frustrates or irritates us. The circumstances we face can cause us to complain and grumble. Life is somehow not fair, and bad things are happening when we seek to do that which is good and pleasing to God. Real contentment is a process, it is a willingness to grow and trust God that He is doing what is best for us. Circumstance do not dictate whether a Christian is content or not, As we submit to the will of God, He fills our heart with contentment. We learn that giving it all to Him and resting in the arms of Jesus brings a peace that passes human understanding. Human nature, the natural man, finds contentment in the circumstance of life, but a life committed to God will learn and find contentment in the center of the will of God.

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