Thursday, July 7, 2016

Christian Home

Debt. 6:7 “ and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down and when thou risest up.”-

Bring up children in a world that is anti-Christian is a taunting challenge for parents who desire that their children not drift away from God and His Word. We live in a day where His Word is being denied and ridiculed by those who desire to be a god unto themselves. They seek after their own lust and desires to satisfied their passions. The Word of God is relegated to just another book with some good inspirational words. As Christian parents, it is important that we keep His Word prominent in our homes. It is also important to realize that a home filled with Christian symbols and hanging scriptures does not make it a Christian home. A Christian home is lived out within the walls of the home. The words that are spoken, the attitudes that are portrayed, and the spirit that is manifest are the true evidence of a Christian home. Our love for Christ is seen in the way we treat our spouse and our children. With love and kindness one to another we share the love of Christ one to another.  Let us not forget His way, live life following the commands and precepts of His Word in the morning, through out the day, and when we close our eyes for the night. 

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