Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Lord is Gracious

Psalm 145:8,9 “The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.”-

God is good, He is good all the time. Walking this earthly journey is filled with events that bring both joy and sadness. In times of sadness or difficult situations, we may wonder if God is really good. If God is good and He cared, then why is He allowing such tragedy to invade my life. I don’t claim to have an answer that will satisfied any one who is grieving at the moment, but I do know that God does care about the pain we suffer and the circumstances in our life that bring distress. He is a God of love and desires to draw us near when we hurt. Satan will do all He can to get us to doubt God’s goodness. He daunts us with doubt and fear. “If God...” are the words that often spew from lips. He is the accuser of the brother and will accuse God before us. Because God is good, He demonstrated His great love and mercy, He sent His Son to earth to give us new life. God is good to all. He so loved the world, that everyone who will believe can experience the goodness of God.

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