Friday, March 11, 2016

The Chastening of the Lord

Heb 12:5b, 6a ““My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth”-

We all live in vessels made of clay, subject to human frailties and bodies that are imperfect. We are quick to jump to conclusions and make imperfect judgments. We have habits from a life of sin that often lead us to make wrong decisions in life. We seek to love God and do his will, but sometimes come short. In prayer, the Lord speaks to us and disciplines us for our lack of falling short. God desires us to live a life of holiness, one that is righteous and pleasing to Him. He knows us better than anyone else and knows are weakness and areas that we need to work on. If we are dealing with sin, we need to confess it to Him and continue to walk in obedience. But, God also want to make up better Christians, and that often requires us to learn hard lessons and a willingness to admit that we can make mistakes that can affect our spiritual life.

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