Thursday, March 17, 2016

Freedom of Choice

Debt 30:19 “ I call heaven and earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live,”-

Every day we make choices. Some choices was short term consequences and other choices are life changing.. God has given us the freedom of choice. We can choose to do good or we can choose to do bad. The choice is ours. The choices we make are often influences by what we think the outcome will be. If we perceive that the outcome will make us look less than perfect or will give people the impression that we are not what we like others to think, we will choose to preserve our self image. The decision to live for God will bring us to many crossroads in our walk with Him. In light of making choices that can be life changing, we must always examine what the Word of God says. God’s word is filled with life’s principles of doing what is right. A wrong choice can be made with all good intentions, God looks on the heart of man and will take those choices and turn them into good. That is how God works to them that love Him and desires to follow Him with all their heart. “Lord help me to always make choices that will please you. Help me to choose the path of right living, one that honors God, and loves my neighbor”

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