Saturday, March 5, 2016

Connecting with God

2 Kings 19:19 “Now therefore, O Lord our God, I beseech Thee, save Thou us out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that Thou art the Lord God, even Thou only.”-

Connecting is a new buzz word that is used in today’s world. We live in a day where connecting is made a lot easier than it was 25- 30 years ago. The sad things is that people are too busy to take time to connect with God. We are occupied with many legit things and then we feel it is necessary to take some time to relax and enjoy life’s pleasures. Beseeching God is something that is done when we find ourselves in need of help. God does want us to call out to Him in time of need and He takes pleasure in answering our request. But, too often, we neglect the daily communication that God wants to have with us. Times when needs are not pressing in or trouble is not at hand. We need to take time to just stop and talk to God because He is God and is worthy of our time. Beseech God when the sea is still and the waters are calm. Talk to Him as you drive to work, or take your morning walk. Take time to beseech Him to let Him know you love Him and that He alone is God who knows you best. It is time to connect with God, and live life to its fullness.

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