Saturday, March 19, 2016


Philippians 1:29 “For unto you it is given on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake,”-

Holiness is more that just believing in Him, it is being willing to suffer for the sake of Christ. Called unto holiness goes beyond a work of initial surrender and having the Holy Spirit abide. Such an act of the will and faith to believe that the Holy Spirit can remove self from the throne of the heart and put Christ on the throne is essential to living a victorious Christian life. But, the daily walk with God requires  us to daily submit to His will and always be ready to follow where He leads. We live by faith and walk in faith that He will empower us to do His will. Suffering for Christ is being willing to go through circumstances that may be unpleasant, and situations that may be painful and uncomfortable. Suffering is a foreign experience to most of us that live comfortable lives. Most of us are not acquainted with persecution for our faith. We may face some ridicule from the world for our faith, but we in a society that people can believe whatever they want. There may come a day that our faith may put us in opposition to laws made by sinful men, and that day may be given unto us soon. When it does, we must take our stand for Christ in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the Gospel.

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