Wednesday, March 23, 2016

New Covenant

Heb. 9:14 “ how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”-

The old testament was a covenant between God and the Jews that as long as they would only serve Him and follow Him, He would make them a great nation that would led the world to see that there was a God above all others gods. God always came through on His part of the covenant. The Jews, were a fickle nation that often followed the wickedness of their heart and served the god’s around them. The old testament required the shedding of blood to atone for sin, and an altar to present a sacrifice. Returning back to God in the OT, required that altars be erected and the blood of calve and goats be shed. Jesus, sent from God came to earth to establish a new testament. This new covenant was to be once and for all, doing away with the blood shed of animals. For Christ became the supreme sacrifice for sin, giving His life as a ransom for sin. On the mount of Golgatha, an altar was made, Jesus, nailed to a cross was, shed His blood for the world. Anyone who would believe that Jesus died for their sins and would accept this gift of forgiveness would enter into a new covenant with God. 

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