Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Fountain of Life

Psalm 36:8b, 9a “...Thou shalt make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures. For with Thee is the fountain of life...”-

There is a fountain, a fountain of pure delight. Water of life that gushes forth, and whosever will drink of this water will experience pleasure beyond imagination. The source of this water is Jesus Christ. The water flows through life like a river. It makes its way down through the valley, places where life is dry and souls cry out in thirst. This water is not like any other kind of water. It will satisfy the thirst of the soul. It will be a spring of joy and will be everlasting. The fountain of life will never run dry, it flows from the throne of God and it’s given to anyone who desire to drink. This water is not for the selected few, it is for anyone who desires to made anew. We no longer drink from the waters of Mara. Life is no longer wretched and bitter. His water brings sweetness to life and fulfills the longing and desires of the heart.

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