Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Conversation of a Christian

James 3:10 “Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.”-
I am surprise when someone who says they are a follower of Christ and loves Jesus to hear them use words that are considered to be foul or degrading. I hear them express their love for God and with their mouth will praise Him. I try not to judge, but it is difficult to understand in light of scripture how a person can say they love God and use words that are offensive and cutting. For someone who has recently been delivered from sin, it may take time to break the habits of bad language. The Holy Spirit is faithful to check us and lead us in paths of truth, speaking those things that would please Him. What we speak is more than the words we say. Cussing, swearing, and the use of profanity is unacceptable behavior for a Christian, but so is speaking unkindly and speaking things that destroy the name of others. Speaking harsh words from anger that is unholy comes from a heart that has not been sanctified. From the unholy heart, comes unholy conversations. The Holy Spirit is able to cleanse the heart from ill temper that causes one to speak words that are demeaning and self centered. Even in our righteous anger, God is able to give us the grace to speak  truthfully with love and kindness. In the human, it is almost impossible to control what we say and how we say it, that is why it is so important to have His Spirit in our lives to help us keep our conversation such that it glorifies God. The words we speak puts our faith in Christ and our wisdom on display for everyone to see.

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