Friday, July 24, 2015

Stand Up For Jesus

Luke 22:57 “And he denied Him, saying, “Woman, I know Him not.”-
Standing up and being counted as a follower of Jesus is not always easy to do. We all like to be accepted and feel like we belong. Taking a stand against the crowd when it is not the popular isolates us and sets us apart as different and out of touch with the world. The world is not a friend of grace and the cross of Christ. Standing up for what is right will most often require us to be strong in the face of ridicule. When we take a stand for God that is not popular, people will often lash out and start calling us names that are derogatory and hateful. Those who  don’t take a stand for right, will think that we are intolerant and uncaring. In today’s world, saying that you are a Christian who will not compromise God’s word are called bigots and narrow minded. Saying that Jesus is the only way to God is not acceptable in today’s world. You are too old fashion and out of date with today’s world view and thinking.  We must not cater to the world’s thinking and have then silence the voice of Jesus. Jesus, the way, the truth, and life. The voice of Christ to cry out against sin and point people to the One who died for sinners. Let us not be Peter, who denied Christ and said, “I know Him not” May the Holy Spirit fill us and help us to boldly stand up for Christ, even so much more as we see the day approaching.

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