Friday, July 17, 2015

People Need the Lord

Roman 9:2 “that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.”-
Sorrow often causes us to weep. Jesus wept when Lazarus died. He wept for the sorrow that Mary and Martha were going through. Weeping is a release of emotions that can either come from sadness or joy. It is not certain that Paul wept when he had sorrow of heart as he wrote how his people were rejecting the gospel of Christ. But it is certain that he was very sad and it weight heavy on his heart. Carrying a burden for a lost soul is one of the greatest responsibilities that we have as Christians. In all of our life’s struggles and times of laughter, there is a time to think of those who are without Christ. Our family members, our friends, and neighbors who have not experiences the love of God. Part of living for Christ is to pray for those who are lost and without Him. Sorrow comes knowing that people are rejecting the only hope for eternal life. That all will die and stand before God and give an account for the life they lived, coming to the judgement of God without the blood of Christ, all can bring a heaviness to the heart. It is sad to see someone trapped in their sin and not being able to get out, they turn to more sin and wickedness to drown out their misery. If they would only see that Jesus is the answer to all their problems and He has the remedy for all that is wrong. People need the Lord, and we need to pray and show the love of Christ to people we come in contact with. Asked God to put some soul on our heart and carry that soul to the throne of God. He will not reject the cry of those who pray for the souls of others. This is the will of God, that all will come to Him. Let us pray in earnest that others may know Him.

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