Thursday, July 9, 2015

His Grace and Kindness

Eph. 2:7 “ that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.”-
He is a gracious God who desires to give us good things. The riches of His grace is beyond measure. His kindness is unmeasurable. We were made in the image of God, but sin destroyed us, but His grace saved us from eternal destruction. What a wonderful Savior we serve, willing to die on the cross, He gave His life graciously, paying the price for our sins. “He was wounded for our transgression, He was bruised for our iniquity, and by His strips we are healed”. His love is exceeding and is more than can be imagine. How He loved you and me! God looked down and saw His creation and desired a relationship. We are the center piece of His love and are valued by Him without measure. His grace reaches down to every man, women, boy and girl who is willing to open their heart to His love. He will not force Himself on us, we must make the choice to receive Him and love Him in return. Because He loved us, we not only love Him back, but our love extends to those around us. Showing kindness is the hallmark of Christianity. “Behold how they love one another”. We extend grace and forgiveness to all because that is what Christ did for us. Through Christ we are able to be gracious, through Christ we can show forth the mercy of God. We can do all thing through Christ who will give us the grace, the power to love even when it is hard to do. 

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