Friday, July 3, 2015

Keeping The Faith

2 Tim 4:7 “ I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith.”-
 A testimony of perseverance, victory, and faithfulness. The battles of life are not easy, Paul faced things in his life that required him to stand up and fight. Fighting the good fight of faith, holding on to truth no matter what the world says or does. Standing up for what is right and doing what we can to share the gospel of Christ. We can know that we are doing and completing the work that God has given us. He puts all of us on a journey, a course, and there is a finish line. None of us know for sure when that time will come, but we can be confident that the purpose of God has been fulfilled. As we approach the coming of Christ for His bride, we can believe that God the father has all things under His control, we believe the Jesus will walk with us even in the most difficult times, and we believe the Holy Spirit can keep us from being led astray and lead us into all truth. Keeping the faith in the One and only true God. We believe! we have kept the faith!

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