Monday, July 6, 2015

Piercing the Darkness

Psalm 91:5,6 “ Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night... nor of the pestilence that walketh in darkness...”- 
There is something about the darkness that causes us all to be afraid. Not knowing what may lurk in the shadows or what unforeseen terror we may encounter. In the darkness, we fear the unknown and are consumed by the possibility that it may destroy us. Physical darkness, not being able to see what is in front of us can be disconcerting, especially if we are walking in a place that we are unfamiliar with. When we know that we are going somewhere where it is dark, we take with us some sort of light. We take comfort in knowing that the darkness can be dispelled by the flick of a switch or a push of a button. It reveals the hidden things that our imagination feared. Satan is the prince of darkness, He is the master of instilling fear and causing us to be afraid of the unknown. As Christians, we do not walk in darkness, but we often must walk through darkness. The valley of the shadow of death are real experiences that can bring terror and cause us to despair. But we our the children of the Light, and He will pierce the darkness and cause a light to shine before us to guide us through all our fears and the “what if’s ” of life. We don’t have to be afraid of the sin and wickedness that surrounds us, we our followers of the one that shine the light into the world to set men free from darkness. Thank God for the light of the Holy Spirit that can lead us into the right path. We don’t have to fear, if we walk in the Light.

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